Meet Rory, our new Junior Audio Visual Designer

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  3. Meet Rory, our new Junior Audio Visual Designer

Recently, we sat down with Giggle’s newest member of the team, Rory Joseph, to learn a bit more about him and his role at Studio Giggle. Rory joins Giggle as a Junior Audio Visual Designer on a work placement from Creative Workforce for the Future. Creative Workforce enables young people, no matter what their background or circumstances, to reach their potential. Rory, who has spent 3 months working as an Assistant Sound Editor at Wounded Buffalo and 3 months working at Creative Youth Network, will join Giggle for 3 months.


Tell us a little bit about yourself

I’m a musician, producer, experimentalist and aspiring audiovisual artist. I’m involved in several musical act/projects across the UK ranging from experimental electronic to hardcore punk.

Did you go to Uni and if so what did you study? 

I got my BA Hons degree in Music Production and Sound Engineering at dBs Bristol. The course was geared more towards record engineering in a studio environment, but I found myself drawn to more of the interactive aspect of audiovisual work and installation art.

Here are a couple of examples of third-year projects did:

What are you working on at the moment? 

At the moment with Studio Giggle I am working on creating a generative sound piece/device for the upcoming art installations in a luxury hotel. This is a fully generative, video and data-driven patch, built using Cycling 74 Max 8 and Derivative Touch Designer.

Outside of work, one of the bands I play in called Congé has just recorded an album which I am in the process of mixing right now and will hopefully be out within the next year

I have also  just finished a series of AV pieces called “Explorations in Failure” that are  showcased on the Creative Youth Website

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to go out and skateboard, it’s quite a big part of my lifestyle and keeps me getting exercise otherwise I would be sitting indoors playing with my sound equipment and instruments!


Where do you get creative inspiration from?

I get most of my inspiration from just consistently doing and consuming. Whether it be music, visual art, or breaking and fixing things, it all sparks inspiration! I have a desire to try and learn new things that fascinate me, and this helps to keep me creative.


What work are you most proud of? 

I’m proud of the ro.Lumen project that I created in my third year of uni. From the outset, I didn’t know if it was something that I would be able to do, especially not within the time frame, but I actually achieved it, and I was really happy with the results! The project was in collaboration with Designs in Air who provided the inflatables and helped rig everything in the space, and the rest was up to me. In the 6 month period, I created 30 minutes of original music, an accompanying lighting colour sequence and Max patch to cover to DMX Data. I also built an audio reactive patch in Max 7 for DMX and organised the space for the installation to be held for 1 evening. The project really solidified my learning and trust in using data-based software like Max and is quite a big moment in my life to move away slightly from DAW style working.



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